Backyard Baseball 2005 Keyboard Controls

  • BaneDDC 2018-02-20 6 points. MVP Baseball 2005 introduced 'Owner Mode'. Much like the Madden series in owner mode you can set ticket prices, open new vendor stands, upgrade multiple aspects of your ball park and even build a custom park choosing among other things the walls, grass, lights, etc.
  • Sep 26, 2005  I don't even see an MVP 2005 forum in the PC section of Neoseeker. Checking gamefaq for any FAQ on the PC version. I found the PC version of.

Backyard Baseball is a fun and casual sports game aimed at kids, developed by Humongous Entertainment and released in 1997. The cute and colorful visuals invite youngsters (or wondrous adults) to partake in a classic game of baseball. You'll pick your team from a group of neighborhood kids, and enjoy a simplified and addictive match of the sport. As a series, the Backyard sports titles have found great ways to introduce sports to gamers of all skill levels. Whether or not you're a fan of baseball, Backyard Baseball finds charming and fun ways to motivate you to play.

From the main menu, you're able to hop into a pick-up game, check out your coach trophies, and join the Backyard Baseball League. The League mode is the main focus of the game, and where you'll find the most customization and gameplay. Once you've signed in as coach, you'll get to create your own team and pick their colors. After that, it's time to draft your team!

There are around 30 different neighborhood kids you can draft onto your team. You'll have to choose nine, and there's a wide variety of characters to pick from. Kids from all walks of life are ready to play; humble farmhands, Spanish-speaking sluggers, nervous nerds, and more. Each kid has their own stats to check out, ranging in power in four categories. Pitching, Batting, Running, and Fielding are all taken into account, so you'll want to pick a good spread of strengths for your team. For those who don't care, you can also let the game choose for you.

Jan 08, 2007  so i just tried the game with the new controller file, im using the keyboard 2 controls. I tried pressing shift for lead offs, and ctrl+arrows for different slides but its not working. Can you tlel me what to do plz, maybe i gotta use keyboard 1? MVP Baseball 2005; Keyboard Controls for PC IPS Theme by IPSFocus.

Once you've crafted your team, it's time to take on your opponents in the Backyard Baseball League. In the Team Dugout, you can arrange players on the field, see your schedule, and check match records. It's your job to carry your team to victory throughout the season, winning the award trophy. Playing the actual match is easy enough. When you're at bat, you simply choose the kind of swing you want to take, wait for the pitch, and try to click at the right time. You can also adjust your stance while at bat. Pitching and playing outfield is similarly easy. When pitching, you simply choose the type of pitch you want (including fastballs, intentional walks, etc) and click to throw. If a ball is hit, you direct one of your team members to catch it and throw it at a chosen base. Everything feels incredibly easy to figure out, and the overall gameplay is welcoming and cheery.

Overall, Backyard Baseball is a fun baseball title that's great for kids. The colorful cartoon visuals and personable athletes make games fun and memorable, and the commentators and player jaunts are fun and witty. Playing the game is easy and enjoyable, making it perfect for newer gamers. Multiple stadiums, over 30 unique characters, and a happy attitude make Backyard Baseball a content-rich and enjoyable game. If you've got a younger gamer you want to introduce to baseball, or you have some nostalgia for this late 90's sports game, Backyard Baseball is a must-play.

Overall rating: 8
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Aluminum Power

If you hit a grand slam, about 90% of the timeyou will get the Aluminum Power power-up. (Hint:If you get Aluminum Power, save it until thebases are loaded again. If you hit a grand slam,you might get another Aluminum Power.)

Better Performance

Put Amir Khan and Achmed Khan on the same teamand both of their skills will increase. The samehappens when Ashley Webber and Sidney Webber areon the same team.Major league players will have increased skillswhen playing for their real life team. Forexample, Randy Johnson will perform better whenplaying as an Arizona Diamondback.

Home Run Derby

Note: You have to be fast. Choose two people andselect a third person immediately before thescreen changes. This will help you get more hitsand home runs.

Easy Second Base

If the other team throws the ball to home playand you are on first base, you can run to secondand they will not see you.

Ways To Get Pitching Power-ups

On a fly ball, an easy way to get a power-up forbatting is to dive at the orange circle wherethe ball is going to land, even if you don'tneed to. The trick is when the orange circleappears, stand next to it (not on it) and waitfor the ball to fall. Then press X and thedirection where the circle is. If you did itright and caught the ball, you should get apower-up for batting, usually either Rubber Bator Sonic Boom. It may take a while to get down,but with practice, you should learn to master it.

Get Aquadome

First you go to a homerun derby then choose 3people and choose A-rod, Barry Bonds,and Sammysosa I just got it today and I was surprisedthen when you are Barry bonds hit about 25 or 26homeruns and make barrybonds win. Then after allof that is over a newspaper will show up and youunlocked the 'AQUADOME' which is DA Bomb.

Backyard baseball 2005 keyboard controls instructions

Unlock Humongous Memorial Stadium

To unlock humongous memorial stadium, you must play a season, go to the world series and win just 1 game.

Pitching Power-up

To get a pitching power-up you have to strike out someone or pick-off someone.

Backyard baseball 2005 keyboard controls manual

Pitching Power-ups

Here is a list of pitching power-ups and what they do.

Backyard Baseball 2005 Keyboard Controls Free


Backyard Sports

We have no unlockables for Backyard Baseball yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for Backyard Baseball yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Backyard Baseball 2005 Keyboard Controls Manual

We have no glitches for Backyard Baseball yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.