Backyard Baseball Tips

  1. Backyard Baseball 2001 Tips
  2. Backyard Baseball Tips 2017
  3. Backyard Baseball Tips Ideas
  4. Backyard Baseball Tips Today
  5. Backyard Baseball Game

This, my friends, is Backyard Baseball. Backyard Baseball takes you back to when you were a kid, when baseball was a game, and the team was hastily put together among the kids in the neighborhood. Playing for Real. Humongous Entertainment reached back into the past and captured all those childhood memories of baseball and digitally assembled.

Step 1 – Door Knocking Knuckles

When gripping the bat, have the player line up their knuckles to keep their arms inside the body’s frame.

Backyard Baseball Tips

Step 2 – Proper Hitting Position

With the door knocking knuckles lined up, the player’s swing will maintain the proper bat angle through the hitting zone.

Step 3 – Contact Point

Lining up door knocking knuckles prevents the shoulders from dipping, eliminates a looping swing and allows the hands to properly carry the barrel of the bat to a solid point of contact with the ball.

Note: This technique applies to baseball and softball.

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Delinquint Duo

When Ashley and Sydney Webber are on the same team on single game, They Go from 5 Hitting, 5 running, 6 pitching, and 3 fielding to 8 hitting, 8 Running, 7 pitching and 8 fielding.

Always Strike A Person Out

Where ever you are pitching pick the slow balland pitch to the top corner closest to theirhead. But leave half the ball on yellow and halfin the grey

Skip Opening Intro

Getting tired of waiting for that stupid intro?Just hit esc. then u can play right away. ( samefor when the announcers are talking and yourready to bat.)

Mr. Clanky

If you win the world series you get the SuperColaasal Stadium and you can play with Mr. Clankyin the pickup games.

Great Codes Finishing Others!!

you can get powerups by hearing a noise somepowerups like hear a noise get a double playstrike someone out or do something good then youwill have a powerup you can only get alumium batpowerup by getting a double play and thenstriking someone out. pitching powerups can begetten by srikeout or something good. screaminglinedrives scream nobody can catch them and hithard. under grounders the ball digs itself underground and pops out somewhere straight from thestarting dighole.

Batting Power Ups

To get a batting power up you get two people onyour team to get on first and second. Then youshould hear a sound.Aluminum Power: gets you more homers.Screamin' Line Drive: I Forget.Under Grounder: I Forget.Crazy Bunt: Makes it harder for the other team toget the ball.

Play On Yourt Birthday!

Try to play a game on one of your player'sbirthdays. Their birthdays are listed on theircards, and they play really well on their specialdays. If you have the twins on your team, play onFebruary 18, when you get two birthdays for theprice of one!

Play Better With Maria

Maria plays pretty well , but she plays evenbetter if shes on a team with the uniforms pink(her favorite color).

Backyard Baseball 2001 Tips

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Backyard Baseball Tips 2017

The Love Bird

Everytime you pick Billy Jean Blackwood and MarkyDubois together Marky Dubois powers up, but BillyJean Blackwood loses skill points.

Tony Delvecchio Power-up

Backyard Baseball Tips Ideas

When you are picking teams, if your opponentpicks Angela Delvecchio, immeadiately pick Tony,and he will get 5 bonus points.

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Backyard Baseball Tips Today

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Backyard Baseball Game

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We have no guides or FAQs for Backyard Baseball 2003 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no achievements or trophies for Backyard Baseball 2003 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.